As you prepared for New Year’s Eve last week you may have read the inspiring story of Gary McKee, a father-of-three from Cumbria, who set himself the challenge of running a marathon every day of last year.

As he completed the final 26 miler on December 31st, Gary had not only completed his new year resolution, he had also raised £1m for Macmillan Cancer Support and a local hospice.

Those efforts put the more usual resolutions of eating more vegetables, drinking less alcohol etc in the shade however mere mortals should not give up hope. There are resolutions we can all set that will not only give us a sense of achievement but also provide useful life skills for the benefit of mankind.

You see the new resolution trend is not about denial or gruelling tasks, it’s about becoming the best person you can be, a more interesting you.

For example, instead of knowing the opening line and chorus to dozens of songs, why not pick a belter and learn it off by heart – no more trailing off mid tune just as the eyes of the room fall upon you, or nervous peering at the tiny writing on the karaoke screen.

Top tips include not choosing songs that go on forever – once you reach the fourteenth verse of Bohemian Rhapsody the novelty wears thin. Range is also important, most Beatles or Elvis classics are manageable but steer clear of the Bee Gees.

Another option is going for the best auntie/uncle award. This involves learning a killer party trick you can produce to wow nephews, nieces and all other onlookers. Cracking the Rubiks Cube, juggling or producing a pound coin from behind an impressionable youngster’s ear are surefire winners.

From a food perspective, why not resolve to try foods you haven’t sampled before, cut down on the amount of meat you eat, reduce the amount of food you waste, or learn new skills in the kitchen, such as how to make an onion bhaji or a vegetable samosa?

We know a few people who may be able to give you a few tips in these particular areas!