Since appearing in Dr No 60 years ago, the world’s most famous spy James Bond has travelled to most corners of the globe in his quest to rid the world of baddies.

Whilst there’s no doubt the ingenious gadgets supplied by Q come in handy, as does a bombproof Aston Martin, the fact remains you can’t fight off maniacal metal toothed giants, bottle throwing dwarfs and cat stroking psychopaths on an empty stomach.

The Ian Fleming novels on which the James Bond films are based frequently refer to his diet and it’s clear his favourite start to the day is scrambled eggs and toast, occasionally accompanied by bacon and sausages.

But you can’t live on eggs alone and the food and drink that have sustained James Bond through to his diamond jubilee reveal a man who, whilst quintessentially English in tastes, is keen to experience all the world can offer.

In Live and Let Die, Bond visits Harlem with his friend and American agent Felix Leiter and enjoys clams and fried chicken. Meanwhile, From Russia With Love finds him in a bazaar in Istanbul sampling the local delicacy – Doner Kebab.

Bond isn’t averse to a meal with adversaries, tucking into shrimp curry with Goldfinger and some fried mushrooms and salad with Scaramanga, otherwise known as The Man With The Golden Gun.

Of course for secret agents a wide ranging knowledge of food and drink is not just for show. As the closing scenes of Diamonds are Forever demonstrate, it can be a lifesaver.

Assassins posing as waiters are set to kill our hero and his companion whilst serving them a sumptuous banquet of oysters, prime rib and bombe surprise aboard a luxury yacht.

Bond asks why they have served  Mouton-Rothschild ’55 rather than a claret and the henchmens’ failure to realise that Mouton IS a claret confirms Bond’s suspicions. The tables are turned and the villains end up overboard – along with the bomb of the bombe surprise.

If like Bond you want to sample the best in food tastes from around the globe but without having to take on the world, you know who to turn to – the name is Foods, SK Foods

About Oliver Parkinson
Sous Chef of SK Foods.
Your food. Our Passion.